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6 Lightroom presets designed to allow you to express concert photography in the most energetic way possible.


Created specifically to enhance the post-processing work flow of concert photography, I created these 6 presets using precise editing techniques to deal with digital noise from shooting at high ISO settings, punchy highlights and high contrast images.


Whether it's enhancing the lighting and production of a show or trying to handle more challenging situations such as big flames on stage or over saturated lights, these presets are made to help your show images level up.

I used them a lot as the foundation for my edits and I'm happy to give them new challenges in your Lightroom presets panel.

- 6 Presets

- easy to use
- video tutorials included

- .xml, DNG File Formats

- specially designed for Concert Photography


Lightroom Classic.png

These presets are compatible with Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Lightroom CC, Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Adobe Camera Raw.

6 amazing presets

This pack includes 6 unique presets to give to photo editors a great base to build on.

Each preset is hand made, with attention to handling difficult colors or specific situation such as flames that mays appear during live show.

- OSMOZ 1.0_classic P.

- OSMOZ 1.0_cold 1

- OSMOZ 1.0_cold 2

- OSMOZ 1.0_deep B&W

- OSMOZ 1.0_fire 1

- OSMOZ 1.0_fire 2

- Most versatile preset of the pack

- Works really well for flames or for colder vibes

- Works really well for flames or for colder vibes

- Gives you a beautiful B&W

- works really well to warm up your photos

- works really well to warm up your photos

tuto lightroom concert preset pack


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